American Hawaii
SS Independence

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Operator: American Hawaii Cruises
Year Built / Last Refurbished: 1951 / 1994
Length / Tonnage: 682 / 30,900
Number of Cabins / Passengers: 406 / 872
Officers / Crew: American / American
Operating Area: Year-round Hawaii
Telephone / Fax:
Tel 150 2244 / Fax 150 2244
Review by Mark H. Goldberg, TravelServer.net, Cruise Editor
 Hawaii captures you, soothes and enchants you, she lets you hang
loose and envelop yourself in the bright colors of her land and
sea. Sail the INDEPENDENCE and it won't be long before you're
decked out in a loud, colorful Hawaiian shirt and enjoying life
the Old Hawaiian Way. Simply because the State of Hawaii is
comprised of islands, the ideal way to approach them is from the
sea and the best way to see them is by this wonderful old cruise
ship. Able to produce a maximum of 55,000 shaft horsepower at 150
rpms, her steam turbines geared to twin screws are a sight to
behold. When she was new the INDEPENDENCE showed how powerful
that is when she steamed at just over 26 knots on her trials off
Cape Cod.

By international rules, when new, the INDEPENDENCE was the
eleventh largest liner in the world and certainly one of the
fastest. The big question was...would anyone care? For spoken in
tones of a flat declaratory to a shrill protest the cry "No one
travels in an American ship!" was heard in steamship agencies and
smart parties the world over. Experienced travelers and neophytes
alike looked upon American ships with a bemused condescension,
secure in the "knowledge" that in terms of food and service,
those "Yankee" liners just couldn't produce - the foreign liners
were better. American ships had a severe image problem. Yet the
American twins INDEPENDENCE and her identical twin CONSTITUTION
soon proved themselves extraordinarily popular, hosting
glittering rosters of notables intent on sailing under the "Stars
and Stripes". Movie producers were drawn to them. Cary Grant and
Deborah Kerr starred in "An Affair to Remember" costarrinq the
CONSTITUTION. After United States Lines stodgily rebuffed Desilu
studios, American Export sent plenty of material and film footage
of the twin liners to Hollywood. Who among us can ever forget
Lucille Ball "landing" by helicopter on the after Bridge Deck of
the CONSTITUTION? And yes...THIS is the INDEPENDENCE the agent on
the pier mentioned when he told a distraught Lucy that she could
get to Europe on the following sailing... So great was their
popularity that in 1958 American Export Lines sent both ships for
major overhauls. Fitting additional First Class cabins, the
forward ends of their superstructures were massively altered. For
all that, against the ANDREA DORIA and CRISTOFORO COLOMBO and
later the LEONARDO da VINCI and the superliners MICHELANGELO and
RAFFAELLO on the "Sunny Southern Route", the American liners just
couldn't compete.
The results of a projected trio of 20,000 ton express liners for
the Mediterranean route, these ships began to take shape as far
back as 1940 when American Export Lines, Inc. planned for the
future. It would be YEARS before any such ships were built and
when they were, there were two, not three. And bucking an
American Export Line tradition, the two ships were not given
names beginning with "EX" but were instead named for historic
U.S. Navy frigates. Had the intended third sister been built, she
would likely have been named CONSTELLATION. Asking for input
from many quarters, it is Gustavo Pulitzer, famed Italian
interior designer who should be given first initial credit for
many of the pleasing touches in the ultimate form of these
classic liners. Noted American industrial designer Henry Dreyfuss
in collaboration with the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation
deserves credit as the designers of the INDEPENDENCE and her
sister CONSTITUTION. With the help of mail contracts and building
subsidies to pay the $25,000,000 each ship cost (that's over $150
million each, in TODAY's dollars!) two ships were laid down at
Bethlehem Steel Company's Quincy, Massachusetts yards at the
very end of the 1940's, the INDEPENDENCE on March 29, 1949, the
CONSTITUTION on July 12th. Their plans included many eventual
defense and military needs so safety provisions, fire proofing and
rapid convertibility to trooping requirements took first place in
the design of the pair. And the INDEPENDENCE is still a very safe
ship today!
Debuting with a 53 day cruise to the Mediterranean, Red Sea and
India in 1951, the INDEPENDENCE got into service before the
Italian postwar liners came out and captured the cream of the
Italy trade. And even had the competition been less, the
INDEPENDENCE and CONSTITUTION would have been hard pressed to
meet the enormous costs of operating under the American flag
either on their regular Atlantic service or on cruises through
the Mediterranean or to the Caribbean. By the late 1960s these
American liners were desperate for money and American Export
Lines entered into an agreement with Diner's Club/Fugazy to jazz
up the twin ships. Only the INDEPENDENCE was actually updated to
appeal to a "mod" generation and when she appeared with Harlow's
eyes peering out from her halo of a "mod" sunburst on her white
hull, eyes rolled in contempt. Before the ship lover knew it, she
and the CONSTITUTION were gone from our lives. Withdrawn by 1968,
the CONSTITUTION went into idleness at Jacksonville, Florida
followed a few months later by the INDEPENDENCE which was laid up
at Baltimore with their fleet mate ATLANTIC. Reports of a sale of
one or both of the sisters to Chandris came to naught. A plan to
operate the INDEPENDENCE on charter by Wall Street Tours, a
Manhattan based travel company also went nowhere. Should they
find buyers willing to operate them, they would be but shadows of
their former selves.
The ships were idle for years until 1974 when fabled Chinese
shipowner C.Y. Tung came to their rescue. Buying the pair with an
obligation to return them to the control of the United States
government in time of war, he had each ship's twin funnels
repainted with his signature livery, a red chrysanthemum on buff.
Prefacing each ship's name with "OCEANIC", he sent them to Hong
Kong. Some work was found for the OCEANIC INDEPENDENCE but none
for her sister which now rode at anchor in the shadow of Victoria
Peak. For a while in 1975 the OCEANIC INDEPENDENCE shuttled
between Lisbon and Angola carrying refugees, mostly civilians
fleeing Angola to Portugal Lisbon. Then, despite several good
intentions, she was again retired and returned to lay up.
When Matson and later Pacific Far East Line went out of the
passenger business leaving the piers at Aloha Tower bereft of
passenger tonnage save the occasional cruise caller, C.Y. Tung
saw possibilities where others saw problems and investigated the
possibility of operating his beautiful OCEANIC INDEPENDENCE as a
cruise ship among the Hawaiian Islands. But since Congress
thought to protect American ship owners and shipbuilders as early
as 1886, any ship operating Hawaii cruises would have to have
American registry. American ships sold abroad are ineligible to
return to U.S. registry except in time of war. Though American
built, the ship was now registered abroad and THAT could have
been a big problem for the proposed weekly cruises through the
Hawaiian islands. Unanimously approved by both the U.S. Senate
and House of Representatives in 1979, an Act of Congress brought
the OCEANIC INDEPENDENCE back under the Stars and Stripes and
allowed American Hawaii Cruises to go into business. The pleasant
task of refurbishing the graceful vessel for modern cruising
began. Eliminating class distinctions, upgrading cabins on the
lower decks and altering the decor to include the soft atmosphere
of the Hawaiian Islands, the OCEANIC INDEPENDENCE was ready to
begin a new life. Wearing a traditional Hawaiian lei at her stem
as she arrived off Honolulu for the first time, she paused off
Pearl Harbor long enough to drop a wreath in memory of American
forces killed in the surprise attack there on December 7, 1941.
But after that, at least since her maiden sailing on her 7 day
cruise circuit of the major islands on June 21, 1980, the gentle
Hawaii of the tradewinds reigns supreme aboard this wonderful
ship. In the meantime American Hawaii Cruises has changed hands
twice and the newest owners, who also own the wonderful
upgrade and substantially improve the INDEPENDENCE. In 1994 the
ship was withdrawn from service and sent to Newport News
Shipbuilding and Drydock Company where she was extensively
refitted and prepared to last another forty five years!
 Conceived to be an example of luxurious modern
American living at sea the INDEPENDENCE still offers relaxed
elegance in a bright and airy modern decor reflecting the natural
beauty and colors of Hawaii.
The INDEPENDENCE has acres of deck space and both open and
covered promenades. The design of the ship includes a pair of
wings over the old Sea Isle Club, once the First Class pool. From
there you have an eaqle's view of the festivities on the after
decks. It's also a great place to see and not be noticed...Just
beyond the former Sunlane Club, now called the Ohana Lounge is
the big swimming pool and its surrounding lido is the scene of
many a party. The main public rooms are the semicircular
Commodore's Terrace...aft on Kamaa'ina (formerly Promenade) Deck
where evenings are welcomed with a cocktail and a tune from the
talented pianist. Next is the Hoi Hoi Showplace where sightlines
are mostly good and the efforts of the cruise staff and two
Hawaiian dance troupes are shown during nightly shows.
Centerpiece of the INDEPENDENCE's public rooms, though, is the
Kama'aina Lounge...newly thought out and opened up during her
recent refit...so it now extends to the floor to ceiling windows
of the former glass enclosed promenade. Tropical in decor it's
worth a visit if only to write a postcard home...if you can even
remember you had a life before you came to Hawaii.
One deck below are the Ohana Lounge and the Ohana Buffet...the
former providing seating for people feasting from the buffet as
well as offering a venue for some late night entertainments. Way
down deep in the ship is a cinema while in spaces once occupied
by Tourist Class public rooms on Maui (formerly A) Deck are the
gym and a conference center.

There are generally two sittings at dinner, most
breakfasts and lunches are served in open sittings. Down in the
420 seat Hibiscus Dining Room on sailing night there's a buffet.
The more intimate 110 seat Orchid Dining Room doesn't operate on
Saturday night...it opens for breakfast on Sunday morning. "Aha!"
you'll think if you are skeptical of American tonnage - the hot
dogs. "There must be something fishy here...Is this an American
ship? This is a sumptuous set up and it looks good," you'll
think. That's what I thought the first time and every time I've
sailed since as I pile on enough shrimp, roast beef and assorted
foodstuffs to choke a pig. A steward brightly garbed in an Aloha
shirt will escort you to a table and your culinary adventure
begins. For a change I cannot say enough about the food in the
INDEPENDENCE. Maybe it's because my expectations were low or
maybe because the food is so good...in fact the food is usually
better than good and I'll spill the beans...one feisty old lady,
a Mrs. Gottrocks in her own right...and something of a cruise
ship reviewer proclaimed the only cruise ship to serve better
food than she ate on the INDEPENDENCE was the SEA GODDESS I, an
accolade I surely second....
You will eat so well aboard this ship I'd be surprised if you're
able to muster up the curiosity to investigate the midnight
If the lunch buffet doesn't tempt you and the menu in the Dining
Room does, GO...even if you feel less than hunger pangs. I
remember sitting down and thinking "Drat!, foiled again! No Hot
Dogs" - but for simple meals there are great burgers assembled as
you like them, a big sandwich and several choices of hot dishes.
Every brochure in the business trumpets the praises of the shin's
cuisines so loudly that few can really deliver. American Hawaii
Cruises has always underplayed its claims to wonderful food
though the food aboard the INDEPENDENCE is a treat. Somewhere
behind the scenes in this American operation must be a Jewish or
Italian grandmother demanding that all hands be overfed!

Underlining the contemporary American way of living, there was so
little cleavage between First and Cabin class spaces it seemed
that most cabins were interchangeable between the two. And there
was a lot of truth in that for 40% of the 1,003 berths in each
ship were interchangeable among classes. Only 205 berths were
permanently graded First Class, 109 always Cabin Class and 258
full time Tourist Class. That flexible passenger arrangement gave
American Export Lines tremendous leeway in following market
demands. Highlight of modern American living were cabins
convertible to sitting rooms by day. Most cabins are still so
equipped and that sofa you use in the afternoon is a very
comfortable bed - because it's not a pull out...the sofa back
folds down to reveal a thick comfortable mattress. The
INDEPENDENCE is a one class ship now offering a dazzling 13
different varieties of private quarters from tiny Category G
Budget Cabins (both inside and outside available) to a Category
AAA Superior Suite...Category D is the lowest grade for two lower
beds but for this cruise...your cabin is not where you will want
to be.
Take a look at an outside cabin on A deck forward. Decorated with
Hawaii in mind, it has a Hawaiian name as well as a number. It's
big enough to sleep four comfortably and the round porthole
reminds you you are aboard ship. Once you unpack you will be
puzzled by the surfeit of storage space for there are enough
closets for a dowager and enough drawers for an apothecary.
What is small, though, is the shower...but that good American
plumbing is happily in evidence.

American Hawaii Cruises is very
"INTO" Hawaii...so much so that one of the most popular employees
aboard ship is the KUMU, the Hawaiian story teller....whose job
it is to tell the visitor as much as possible about Hawaiian
lore, customs and culture... Around twilight time on Saturday
evenings, passengers gather in the Hoi Hoi Showplace for a
Hawaiian Show, one show aboard ship I'm glad I saw. This
extravaganza of Hawaiian music and hula dancing and memories of
the "Aloha" that evening will remain with you long after the
INDEPENDENCE stops sailing. With the full range of usual cruise
ship activities enhanced by some like lei making and ukelele
lessons apropos in these parts, it's not hard to imagine how most
passengers spent their day at sea. I saw some at breakfast in the
Dining Room where the extraordinary personalities of friendly
staff broke the ice of a first morning at sea. I saw others at
the breakfast buffet while I was on my way to stock up with
logoed souvenirs in the ship's signature shop. But a visit to the
Navigation bridge of THIS ship always gets me and I always
visit...even if only for another look at the framed notice
instructing the officer on watch to take the ship immediately to
sea in the event of a nuclear attack.

My favorite Hawaiian island is always the one I'm on and I think
I'd like to keep with the INDEPENDENCE until I have done every
shore excursion the line offers... and at last count there are 56
of them. Getting ready to board the INDEPENDENCE I grin like a
hyena even before a lei is placed around my neck and I pause for
the obligatory mug shot cruise lines like to sell boarding
passengers. Even before sailing the INDEPENDENCE offers a lot of
the Hawaii experience but for me one of the best is the moment of
departure on this unique American flag ocean liner. Once out of
the harbor the ship turns to port and is soon off Waikiki.
Sunday - It's not far from one island to the next but Sundays
are spent at sea and for most of the day from nearly anywhere out
on one of her 23,000 feet of open dock space, you can look out
and see islands, Kahoolawe, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, depending upon
the circuitous route the Captain chooses to navigate. An active
sort, I spent usually spend Sunday afternoons aboard the
INDEPENDENCE in a deck chair outside the Surfrider Bar, hardly
able to pause later for some fresh popcorn.
When Monday morning comes...be ready for a wonderful time on
Kauai, the Garden Island. There should be time for a drive out to
Hanalei Bay. If there is a prettier spot than that end of Kauai,
its not on this planet. It's vaguely around the corner from the
Na Pali coast, a formation of lushly covered steep cliffs
shrouding pretty beaches accessed only by boat or
helicopter.Compelling is the word for the helicopter trip the
line offers for a look at those cliffs which rise majestically
from the sea. It's a toss up as to which is lovelier...Kauai or
Maui but since the ship arrives at Kahului, Maui on Tuesday for
an overnight call, you have plenty of time to check it out and
decide for yourself IF YOU CAN! Maui, so deservedly popular with
vacationers, exudes a charm of her own. From the jumbled strands
of spaghetti paved into a road called the Hana highway, a 55 mile
course through landscape inordinately compelling to the majestic
Iao valley, Maui is a sensual delight. Never mind that American
Hawaii brings a fabulously rousing Hawaiian show to entertain
passengers here. It's during the Maui call that American Hawaii
offers a shore excursion like no other. Uncommercial in the
extreme, it's Tour 32 (at least it USED to be), not a trip for
the queasy or the debile. Leaving the ship's side at 3:30 AM,
participants follow a tour leader and bike down the slopes from
the summit of Mt. Haleakala, 10,000 feet above sea level.
On Thursday the INDEPENDENCE calls at Hilo on the Big Island of
Hawaii where you can pick up another rental car and drive it to
Akaka Falls, catch another look at Volcano National Park, drive
down the Chain of Craters Road and maybe have lunch in town.
(Whatever you do...DON'T bother with the buffet at Volcano
House...) To me it is near Hilo, sleepy, rainy little Hilo, where
the air is gentlest and the breeze softest. Kona on the bright,
dry side of this big island is the next port and the INDEPENDENCE
anchors there on Friday mornings and the tender gives you
flawless views of the ship as it pulls away, runs alongside and
cuts across the liner's gently raking bows. Coffee plantations,
macadamia nut farms and the Parker ranch are on this side of the
Big Island.
After the INDEPENDENCE clears Kona on Friday evening, my lei
went into the sea from the after deck. I know that it washed
ashore and will bring me back...A week in the INDEPENDENCE speeds
by like an hour, drawing all to soon to a close. This gracious
GRANDE DAME really does turn on its ear for all time must be that
absurd old saw, "No one travels in an American ship" for here in
the waters of Hawaii the INDEPENDENCE is deservedly popular, an
American ship that wins the hearts of most who sails with her.
 The "who's who" of who has sailed in the INDEPENDENCE
or CONSTITUTION at some point in the ship's career really does
read like "Who's Who" for so many names in that book have been on
the ships' passenger lists. It was President Reagan who happily
signed the bill to bring the CONSTITUTION back under American
registry. He was familiar with these ships and had been aboard
the INDEPENDENCE for a Governors' conference back in the 1960's
when he was Governor of California. A framed photograph of him
and Mrs. Reagan hangs in the ship's wheelhouse. It is said that
when he took the helm the ship veered slightly to the right...
People demanding nonstop 24 hour a day loud action accompanied by
pulsating bass may not enjoy a cruise in this ship (though I'd be
surprised if there is ANYONE who doesn't enjoy a 7 night
INDEPENDENCE cruise). This ship is particularly popular with
people over 40 who seem to enjoy the sock hop, pajama party and
other events calculated to please us aging "boomers" but there is
a lot here for everyone - from toddlers to great grandpa!.
 The first time I set out for Honolulu to take
this ship I hoped for the best and expected the worst. Visions of
plastic cups, paper plates and hot dogs, motel modern style and
indifferent American service filled my dream track the night
before my first sailing in this ship. Well I needn't have
worried! That cruise was marvelous. Now, after a multi-million
dollar refit and plenty of attention to detail, the ship exudes a
warm, friendly Hawaiian air. In a nutshell...this ship and her 7
night Hawaii cruise is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
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