Carnival Cruise Line
MS Sensation

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Operator: Carnival Cruise Lines
Year Built / Last Refurbished: 1993
Length / Tonnage: 855 / 70,367
Number of Cabins / Passengers: 1,022 / 2,044
Officers / Crew: Italian / International
Operating Area: year round Western Caribbean from Tampa
Telephone / Fax:
Tel 134 1372 / Fax 134 1373
Review by Mark H. Goldberg, TravelPage.com, Cruise Editor

I was aboard the STELLA SOLARIS, that 18,000 ton honey of a ship
heading to the USA from Greece when I last saw the SENSATION. It was about
11:15AM and I, lazing in a chair on the STELLA's sunny lido interrupted my
chat with friends to muse aloud...."Hmmm I wonder what THAT ship is back
there..." In no time at all our conversation picked up steam again...after
all...we WERE talking about ships (no surprise there!)...and just as
quickly the form of the approaching liner revealed itself to be a FANTASY
class "Mega-ship"...the only question was...which one? That was answered
soon enough as the ship came near enough for the naked eye to read the
letters on her bows... S E N S A T I O N... Speeding quietly past us, I
remembered her vividly...Carnival's third FANTASY class ship...sailing
sunny climes since her debut in 1993 brought her into the fleet...
With the SENSATION Carnival proved to the world that there was indeed a
market in the 7 night cruise business for a "Mega-ship"...though with two
amazing sisters ahead of her in the fleet, and news of several more to
follow...the SENSATION had her work cut out for her in order to live up to
her name...and I don't mean the sensation shipyard Wartsilla made when it
produced a few weeks of speculation about the ship's eventual delivery when
that company went bankrupt while the ship was still building....Anyway I
think she does live up to her name! She has her devoted admirers who tell
me and anyone else who will listen that there is no ship like her (they're
WRONG about that...there are five ships like her and two more on the way
but I THINK I know what they mean)...they like this one best for several
reasons...among them the crew, the decor and yes... the satisfaction to the
senses the ship purposely provides...That's how the SENSATION REALLY
differs from her sisters...and why she is some people's favorite of this
class of ship...As for me...I am not sure I have a favorite among them...I
really do like them all...for me it's kind of like when I am asked which is
my favorite Hawaiian Island...my favorite is the one I am on...(he said,
diplomatically though allowing a grammatical error...)

What makes the SENSATION stand out from this crowd of superships is the
realization of Carnival's and chief designer Joe Farkas' efforts for this
ship to appeal to the senses with variations in light, tone, surfaces,
fabrics...in short this ship allows you to experience a wide range of
sensations...I admit that not everyone thrills to every last thing
aboard...and one of the ship's signature pieces, the "Touch of Class"
Lounge where a pair of sculpted hands form an entry gate and cupped hands
are the barstools shocks some while others break out into howls of
laughter....I think in this one Farkas was paying a LOT of attention to a
certain episode of the "Odd Couple"...you know the one...where Felix
redecorates the apartment and to Oscar's enormous consternation replaces
the living room seating with a pair of chairs in the form of one white and
one black hand....Well...who knows? I haven't asked Mr. Farkas about that
and he doesn't need me to bother him...like it or not the room DOES make a
statement....But there is such a wide range of design elements in this
ship...people like sturdy, stolid ME absolutely LOVE this ship's Oak Room,
the library midships on Atlantic deck...and who can deny that the soaring
Grand Atrium Plaza is impressive?
Because this ship is very much a "middle child" and unlike ship #2,
the ECSTASY, does not REALLY glow in the dark...the SENSATION has received
precious little attention from the travel press, by the time of her first
cruise well used to Carnival and rivals Princess and Royal Caribbean's
giant 70,000 tonners....so except for the initial spate of informative
articles about her...nary another word has been mentioned about her
since...and that's too bad...she is a ship that really needs the occasional
nice word about her to appear in print.
This is a good ship!... Yes, it's a Carnival liner but it's no longer the
ships that set off some people's "social" alarms....it's some of the
passengers (you know the types...they're the ones enjoying
themselves...those unselfconscious folks who don't depend on anyone else
for approval of their fun)...it's that unmentionable fact of American
life...CLASS consciousness...that allows people to still tag Carnival's a
lesser name...but let's face it...the cruise line that used to contend with
the contemptuous appellation of being the "K-mart of the cruise business"
has come a long way and LOOK AT THEM NOW!!! They've pumped billions into
building the most enviable fleet of passenger ships ever known....you want
big ships...? Carnival's got em....you want trendy, "luxury end ships"
catering to a crowd of only 200? Carnival has ships for you there...want to
cruise under sail?...Yup...through their Holland America Line (my personal
favorite Carnival product) there's Windstar! Not that they need it...I
applaud their great success and marvel that these ships are usually full
ALL the time...
As for the SENSATION that means AT LEAST 2,044 and as many
as 2,594 happy passengers EVERY week! Now you ask...if this is a ship for
you? She might just be...if you want her itinerary..She's a GREAT ship for
first timers...though if you want to be quietly alone you might do better
on another hull...If you want to bring the children...if you have any...or
like kids..and like to party...like bright lights, dancing, games, shows,
amusements, and some of the most deservedly popular ports in the Caribbean
(by the way, San Juan is on the Atlantic... a technicality to be
sure...BUT...)...the SENSATION has a sensational cruise for you if you
don't demand a quiet, sophisticated cruise ambience...If you don't insist
on the finest of gourmet food, individually prepared and don't need hours
of personal attention and service every day...you would probably like this
one... Do I recommend her? YOU BET I DO!

It takes many of her passengers a full week to see all this
ship has to offer...Quite a few even make new friends of some of the people
they meet here...though with so large a cast of characters and so many
places to be don't be surprised if you don't see the same faces more than
once or twice! Aboard the SENSATION prepare to be entertained by some of
the best sound systems and lighting effects anywhere. The casino is very
active and is often PACKED with players three deep at the tables and people
waiting for a turn at any of the 226 slot machines...or the "MEGACASH"
slots... a system linked by computer to all the ships in Carnival's
extended family...If you sunbathe topless or in an abbreviated costume in a
deckchair with nothing under a hot sun with an ice bucket full of beer for
company, you can do that here but I don't drink and I don't take a lot of
sun (BAD for the skin) but I LOVE to people watch and always find something
interesting to do or see here.
From the SENSATION's Grand Plaza Atrium...rising up all those decks to its
cupola of glass on top this Carnival "megaship" has all kinds of public
rooms and public spaces...Each sharing much in common with such spaces
aboard sister ships yet each is different enough to give the SENSATION her
own personality....A lot of the public rooms are located on Promenade Deck
where you can't help but feeling how spacious this place..I mean
SHIP...is....Notice subtly changing colors of the thousands of
lights....On this ship the amazing duplex 1,300+seat showroom...that
masterpiece of shipbuilding...forward on this and on Atlantic Deck is
called the Fantasia Lounge...if nothing else...be sure to stop by some
evening for some of the hit tunes of the "Big Band" era..and if you aren't
shy...get up on that stage and dance! Come by at night and you'll LOVE the
sounds and lights...oh...yeah...and the shows are pretty darn good too....
As for covering up the metal that makes a ship....on the public rooms decks
in the SENSATION there's marble, colored tiles, glass staircases, radiant
neon, rosewood paneled walls, leather couches...what .a lot of thought,
imagination and work went into making this ship! One of the things I like
most in the FANTASY sisters is called Sensation Boulevard on this one...on
this main street running fore and aft you enter most of the public
rooms...but this is no simple passageway ...by NO means!!! Take a walk from
one end to the other and I defy you not to find at least ONE place you just
LOVE from the series of cafes and bars, shop windows or lounge areas...even
the ceiling that by night brings out the stars ought to please you...Make
sure to stop by and see the Polo Lounge...that bar aft where people who are
assigned to a table in the ECSTASY Dining Room usually congregate before
dinner...I won't tell you ANYTHING more than it's my favorite room here...
But as always...my favorite item aboard this ship...just like it is
aboard ALL of her sisters is the l2,000 square foot Nautica Spa....because
I like to work out...I mean SERIOUSLY work out... and for me, these
Carnival ships really do have just about the BEST fitness facilities at
sea. Located atop the wheelhouse in the exact same spot you'd find it in
any of the sisters, the gym shares the Captain's views forward and to the
sides and working out here is a highlight of any of my days aboard any of
the FANTASY class ships. There are six treadmills, more than 30 weight
machines, free weights AND the ship has a separate one-eighth-mile jogging
track. If you have the strength after all that....take in some of the
aerobics classes offered throughout the day. Beyond that gym is the
skylighted room with the hot tubs, the steam and sauna rooms plus a beauty
salon... There's LOTS of deck space here and a BIG swimming pool (but it's
NOT big enough for EVERYONE aboard to use at the same time)...and don't
forget there is plenty of space for toddlers and kids in their own public

Don't expect leisurely unhurried dining here...that's not what this
is about...The Fantasy and Ecstasy Dining Rooms each seat about 650 people
at a time so there is no way to provide an intimate dining experiences
here....there are even coffee shop style booths for six...three persons per
side...someone on either end has to move if someone in the middle feels a
touch of mal de mer or has to beat a hasty retreat to visit shall we
say....the Ladies' lounge? There's no need to ask for a table in the
smoking section...there IS no smoking allowed in the dining rooms!
Don't bother to try to get a table for two unless you are honeymooning or booked
into a suite...Carnival wants you to mingle and those who "want to be
alone" don't party much...Just keep in mind that this is a mass market
operation and you will agree that as much as anything else food service
epitomizes the concept...it's highly efficient, very organized...pay
attention and you will see how hard the dining room staff works....pat em
on the back...and tip them well!...they REALLY work for it...Carnival keeps
working on getting its food ever better....though that woman who sang so
lustily about Carnival's "fancy food" may NOT be credited for her evolved
taste buds....It's NOT "eating fancy food" you'll do here but I don't think
you'll go hungry either....and let's face it...most people at home have to
go to the supermarket (except for one travel writer I know who doesn't cook
so when at home lives on the bounty from the take-out salad bars from her
local Korean owned grocery or feasts on burritos delivered if she calls the
restaurant)...buy the food....haul it home...stow it....select what shall
be cooked at a given meal....prepare it...serve it...you know what I
mean.... so you really ought to be satisfied with the food here...THEY buy
it..THEY cook it...THEY serve it...and best of all THEY clean up....all you
do is EAT and EAT and EAT and oh, well YOU get the picture...
Aboard this ship you will be assigned a table at either of two sittings in either the
FANTASY or ECSTASY Dining Rooms...yes...that's right... they ARE named for
the SENSATION's sisterships...Breakfasts and lunches are often open
sittings and you are always welcome to chow down from the breakfast or
lunch buffets in the light, bright, airy and breezy (I mean AIR
CONDITIONED) Seaview bar and Grill...it's high up in the ship on Lido Deck
and I usually stop by for Lunch! LUNCH...somehow it's my favorite meal
aboard a ship! You can get burgers or other fried or grilled fare from any
of the serving station/lines...two out by the pool, or two indoors...and
there are also a salad/bread bar and a pasta table... the food wasn't
bad...but I never found it all that good either and invariably with the
need to cook meat through and through...I found my burgers were usually
dried out...but I found plenty to eat...and drinks were always offered by
wandering drink servers...
You can also have dinner here now...for come 6:00PM tablecloths are spread
over tables and a more intimate atmosphere enhances this room's function as
an alternative restaurant. Four other things I like about the SENSATION's
food service....TWO late night buffets....the late supper style midnight
buffet...usually set up in the FANTASY Dining Room (and you WILL sit where
the waiter brings you...though this tiny bit of regimentation if the ONLY
thing I find aboard a Carnival ship that really chafes...) And the hours
too early for sun-up buffet at 1:30AM where breakfasty foods
predominate...AND I like being able to get pizza at any hour of the night
or day and yes, I do appreciate the possibility to order some food in the
cabin....though I don't remember the last time I ordered food to be served
in my cabin...(hey I sleep in there...I don't like crumbs in my bed...!!!)
You aren't paying for caviar here, but how often do you open a tin of
beluga at home?.. SO...about the food....it ISN'T "fancy" and it may not be
fine but it IS good enough and there is LOTS of it and even more
importantly, it is served graciously with plenty of smiles, so dig in!
Remember how many people the ship's kitchens feed every day and the time
available to prepare and serve it, the fare you paid, and you should be as
impressed as I am and will agree that Carnival passengers are generally
well fed and no one goes hungry!!
First timers are usually thrilled with the parades of singing and dancing
waiters... I think the dining room staff work awfully hard doing what they
signed on to do...wait tables...If you are not a first timer...you might
think I have a point...so take pity on them when they are required to
interrupt their work to give passengers a song and dance...though paying
out all those salaries to dancers I wonder why Carnival thinks the waiters
need do that....I think the food department thinks part of a waiter's job
is to sing and dance...I disagree with that concept...I always thought a
waiter's job was to take your order and bring your food...Leave the singing
and dancing to others...

Think of it....there must be SOME moment of the night (or early
morning?) When EVERY last passenger is asleep....think of it...as many as
2,594 passengers sawing ZZZZs all at once! With her LOWER bed capacity of
2,044 passengers and all those upper and sofa berths this ship has a LOT of
cabins! There are suites with private balcony, demisuites (it seems that
everyone but Carnival thinks of them as minisuites...), standard insides
and standard outsides... Minimum rooms are fitted with upper and lower
berths...and are just adequate... and I don't find them very good choices
unless money is a very important concern...Standard cabins....which at some
190 square feet for outsides and 185 for insides are the biggest in this
segment of the market... are neither elegantly or luxuriously
furnished...they have a lot of hard surfaces and heavy duty carpeting, they
are designed to stay and look clean despite VERY heavy use. But there is
plenty of storage space for all your clothes as well as all your purchases
aboard and ashore... The bathrooms though are VERY good! The shower
compartments in every bathroom are LARGE and the water pressure is
wonderful...always a delight shipboard. There's a TV in every cabin but it
didn't seem to show anything I wanted to watch...(Carnival doesn't want you
to buy a ticket to come aboard and watch TV and I think they're right!) Get
out of your cabin and have fun...When you come back to the cabin you have
your choice..of course...of your beds arranged as twins in an "L" shape or
in a king size version...as all lowers can be...but BEWARE....in the KING
version... one person MUST climb over the other to get out if the one
nearer the porthole wants or needs to get out of bed first...Want something
Take one of the twenty six 226 square foot minisuites, located way
up top on Verandah Deck. Each has its own small balcony, is much better
furnished and decorated than the standard, which I repeat, are very
adequate for the short duration of a Carnival cruise...but I'm not likely
to want a month in one of them...they're just not my style...For more money
you can get one of the twenty-eight suites though don't expect to get much
of a tan on your private balcony, for these apartments are located within
the ship's hull... these suites are each about 350 square feet of space
including a decent sized private verandah....there's a fair sized sitting
area...just right for private lounging or entertaining...

Sooner or later EVERYONE who cruises sails on Carnival..or one
of its family of cruise lines....and maybe they should...The SENSATION
pleases people of all ages...you'll find people from 90 days to 90+ years
of age here..Remember that fleetwide about 30% of the passengers are under
35 years of age.. Kids love this ship and parents always appreciate the
chance to drop off their young and know that they will be well looked after
at Camp Carnival...

This year the SENSATION sails from Tampa every Saturday at
4:00PM for Grand Cayman, Playa Del Carmen, Cozumel and New Orleans...an interesting variation on the typical Western Caribbean itinerary...and remember, this itinerary has THREE "Fun Days at Sea"...two of them on the way back to Tampa so you sun fans ought not to get TOO burned straightaway!

Did you read my review of the FANTASY and how I mentioned those who
expected the FANTASY sisters to be schlock at sea? Tackola on the waves? I
remind you....THEY WERE WRONG!! These are marvelous, amazing ships....big
for me, impersonal for me, too...and not my style socially or
intellectually (bookish, jaded snob that I am) and not a place you're
going to have to dodge a performance or a tape of the opera...but what a
ship this is! Don't expect her
to cater to your every whim...she simply couldn't do that for one person...
keep in mind how many people the SENSATION carries every week. ..and of how
hard everyone here works to please YOU....Carnival carries about 20,000
people every week..so...who can be more than a number here? Who should be
more than a number here??? So just breathe deeply, let it out slowly, let
em do it their way and let them amuse you THEIR way....they're damn good at
it! There is always something doing here! Enjoy yourself...Carnival DOES
have the fun...it's doesn't pretend to be in the same class as that five
star city hotel you really don't want to stay in...and it is not a classy,
high end resort, but that's not what you wanted when you booked the
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